The defense session of the graduation thesis in English by Business Administration students at Nguyen Tat Thanh University

On October 14, 2020, the Faculty of Business Administration held a graduation thesis defense session in English. This thesis is 100% written and defended in English by excellent and excellent students from the Faculty of Business Administration – Nguyen Tat Thanh University.

Thesis defense course graduated in English with 6 excellent students of the Faculty of Business Administration

Selected from excellent students out of a total of nearly 600 students majoring in Business Administration, 6 students who conducted the Course in English have demonstrated their ability. Not only English proficiency in writing and completing the Course argumentation, but also the ability to present, defend and critique before the panel. Every year, the Faculty of Business Administration always focuses on encouraging, supporting and developing students with foreign language ability. Encouraging students to do their dissertations in English is one of the strategies to develop resources in the context of integration and globalization. Thereby helping to bring many benefits to students such as increasing access to research methods, improving students’ self-study, lifelong learning, as well as widening job opportunities. more open.

The Defense Council includes Dr. Nguyen Xuan Nhi – Dean of Faculty and highly qualified PhD students in the Faculty

Each student has 15 minutes to present on their topic. After presenting their thesis, students will answer critical questions, listen to evaluations and suggestions from the Thesis Judging Committee. In the end, all 6 students achieved good results with high scores. This is an important highlight for their CVs in the future, attracting the employer’s impression of the foreign language ability and training quality of the Faculty of Business Administration, accompanying the students’ career development.

Students of Faculty of Business Administration confidently defend their graduation thesis in English

6 students have good results with their thesis topic

Finally, Dr. Nguyen Xuan Nhi congratulated 6 students, hoping that initial success will be the foundation for employment and lifelong learning. It is hoped that the Faculty will have more students continue to do the Graduation Thesis in English in the next courses.

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